Noooring the season — Winter
The seasons replace one another- like the moon replaces the sun in the sky, and hours replace minutes within the day. Day by day, year by year — in spite of everything, the internal clocks of the Earth are ticking and moving as an imperceptible testimony of our existence.
Snow is melting (ha-ha, we’ve had an amazing winter in Yerevan, haven’t we?), and the warm breath of spring has already been felt. Hence, it is the right time to appreciate the winter and give the last credits to this amazing, cold-hearted lady, which left something for everyone in the winter of 2019, ’cause — ♫♪ cold never bothered us anyway ♫ — right?
Nooor has gained strategic partners around the world; partnering with even more Blockchain-oriented Associations and NGOs.
Moreover, we are going global; by showing our presence in different countries and showcasing ourselves on various platforms. Shaping the people’s opinion about Armenia, and making it more visible for foreigners.
We are able to see how many people actually understand Armenia with all of its benefits, as well as track how many people have Armenian roots, during our calls and meetups with representatives of different associations, consortiums, think-tanks, etc.
By creating a bridge between different associations and having reliable partner organizations around the globe, we are bringing international attention to the region, hence, lots of future collaborations and possibilities for new projects, new connections and an absolutely new level of improvement, not only for Armenia but also to the whole region in general.
Becoming a global blockchain hub — are not just words uttered into the air. It is a real representation of our activities outside, our willingness to help those who are seeking either our support or assistance Consequently, this winter was full of connections and opportunities, which made us much closer to the global blockchain hub- closer than we have ever been before.
Winter brings out the best of our ability to connect people with service providers, startups with ventures, and simply, people with people. The world starts with a connection, and we are a part of it.
Community matters the most- education is above everything. We are doing our best to find those, with the finest expertise, to enlighten our community. If we have this enormous tech potential, which is visible in the global market, how can we not take advantage of this amazing potential in blockchain?
First, we need to educate, then — wait for the results to come. The development seeks the knowledge- that’s an unbreakable axiom.
Nooor in numbers
Hours spent on calls — 32
Negotiations initiated — 64
Partnerships established — 47
Spring is already here. Let’s make the best out of this beautiful season, and use the spring awakening of our souls as a driving force to achieve all of our goals and plans!